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TITLESynapsis.ru - 3D synapse structure & functions1450
DESCRIPTIONPage contains data on three-dimensional ultrastructure of different types of both synapses and neurons obtained using 3D reconstruction from serial electron microscopic (SEM) sections, under different levels of functional synaptic activity including long-term potentiation (LTP), hibernation bout of 12442096
KEYWORDSsynapses, three-dimensional 3D reconstructions of dendritic spines, serial ultrathin semithin sections, serial electron microscopy, SEM, TEM, postsynaptic density, free PSD, freely-floating, PSDs, synaptic curvarure convex concave, SEM, multiple synapse, multiple-synapse axonal boutons, mitochondria153484
H1<...>Vadim V. Rogachevsky<...>, <...>PhD<...>1375
H2 - H6<h2><...>Russian Academy of Sciences<...> Institute of Cell Biophysics<...></h2>
<h2><...> <...>Structure-Functional Organization of Synapses in the CNS Research Group<...><...> Creative scientific group for hippocampal research (<...>Pushchino State University<...>)<...> <...><...>in<...><...><...> <...>The Laboratory for Mechanisms of signal perception<...><...> <...><...>and<...><...><...> <...>Laboratory for methods in Electron Microscopy<...><...></h2>
236min - 71
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12http://synapsis.ru/virtu.htmlSEM archive
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14http://synapsis.ru/art.html3D Illustrations
19http://synapsis.ru/contactsru.html© 2007-2012, Synapsis.ru
20http://synapsis.ru/people.htmlStructure-Functional Organization of Synapses in the CNS Research Group
21http://synapsis.ru/tools.htmlLaboratory for methods in Electron Microscopy
22http://synapsis.ru/tools.htmlSEM and 3D reconstruction

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1http://www.icb.psn.ru/<...> <...> <...> <...><img><...> <...> <...><...>Russian Academy of Sciences<...> Institute of Cell Biophysics<...><...> <...><...>Vadim V. Rogachevsky
2http://www.pushgu.ru/Pushchino State University
3http://www.icb.psn.ru/index.php?option=com_content&view=category&id=11&Itemid=127The Laboratory for Mechanisms of signal perception

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Слова отсутствующие в русском и английском словарях

ГдеКол-воСписок слов
DESCRIPTION27ultrastructure potentiation Groung Synapsis dendritic PSDs perisynaptic astroglial extrasynaptic neuroepithelial Langerhanse hippocampal hypoxia-hypercapnia morphometry stereological volumetric AlzheimerТs nanobiotechnology fullerenes vitro vivo perfluorocarbon perftoran pdf neuromorphologist avi wr
KEYWORDS12dendritic ultrathin semithin PSDs curvarure axonal boutons macular potentiation hypoxia hypercapnia fullerene
H12Vadim Rogachevsky
H2 - H62hippocampal Pushchino
Анкоры гиперссылок5DBs ' Vadim Rogachevsky Pushchino
Текст страницы2Synapsis i.e