# | URL | Анкор | Nofollow |
1 | http://pdx.su/about | About me | |
2 | http://pdx.su/portfolio | Portfolio | |
3 | http://pdx.su/posts/12-thoughts-on-working-remotely | Thoughts on working remotely | |
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6 | http://pdx.su/tags/remote | remote | |
7 | http://pdx.su/tags/work | work | |
8 | http://pdx.su/tags/telecommute | telecommute | |
9 | http://pdx.su/tags/roaming | roaming | |
10 | http://pdx.su/posts/11-my-sublimetext2-workflow | My SublimeText2 workflow | |
11 | http://pdx.su/tags/customization | customization | |
12 | http://pdx.su/tags/sublime-text-2 | sublime-text-2 | |
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16 | http://pdx.su/tags/editor | editor | |
17 | http://pdx.su/posts/10-black-box-development | Black box development | |
18 | http://pdx.su/tags/ruby | ruby | |
19 | http://pdx.su/tags/programming | programming | |
20 | http://pdx.su/tags/bdd | bdd | |
21 | http://pdx.su/tags/tdd | tdd | |
22 | http://pdx.su/tags/development | development | |
23 | http://pdx.su/tags/methodologies | methodologies | |
24 | http://pdx.su/tags/code | code | |
25 | http://pdx.su/tags/tests | tests | |
26 | http://pdx.su/tags/documentation | documentation | |
27 | http://pdx.su/posts/9-my-new-zsh-prompt | My new ZSH prompt | |
28 | http://pdx.su/tags/tricks | tricks | |
29 | http://pdx.su/tags/customization | customization | |
30 | http://pdx.su/tags/os-x | os-x | |
31 | http://pdx.su/tags/shell | shell | |
32 | http://pdx.su/tags/unix | unix | |
33 | http://pdx.su/tags/zsh | zsh | |
34 | http://pdx.su/posts/8-halo-4-a-return-to-halo | Halo 4: A return to Halo | |
35 | http://pdx.su/tags/halo | halo | |
36 | http://pdx.su/tags/games | games | |
37 | http://pdx.su/tags/halo-4 | halo-4 | |
38 | http://pdx.su/tags/microsoft | microsoft | |
39 | http://pdx.su/tags/xbox | xbox | |
40 | http://pdx.su/posts/7-i-won-t-be-getting-a-nexus-4 | I won’t be getting a Nexus 4 | |
41 | http://pdx.su/tags/google | google | |
42 | http://pdx.su/tags/android | android | |
43 | http://pdx.su/tags/nexus | nexus | |
44 | http://pdx.su/tags/jelly-bean | jelly-bean | |
45 | http://pdx.su/tags/update | update | |
46 | http://pdx.su/tags/phone | phone | |
47 | http://pdx.su/tags/tablet | tablet | |
48 | http://pdx.su/posts/6-ruby-tricks-for-noobs | Ruby tricks for noobs | |
49 | http://pdx.su/tags/rails | rails | |
50 | http://pdx.su/tags/ruby | ruby | |
51 | http://pdx.su/tags/tricks | tricks | |
52 | http://pdx.su/tags/beginner | beginner | |
53 | http://pdx.su/tags/programming | programming | |
54 | http://pdx.su/posts/5-android-and-the-last-10 | Android and the last 10% | |
55 | http://pdx.su/tags/google-talk | google-talk | |
56 | http://pdx.su/tags/google | google | |
57 | http://pdx.su/tags/android | android | |
58 | http://pdx.su/tags/smartphone | smartphone | |
59 | http://pdx.su/tags/mobile | mobile | |
60 | http://pdx.su/posts/4-a-dash-of-rails | A dash of rails | |
61 | http://pdx.su/tags/rails | rails | |
62 | http://pdx.su/tags/blog | blog | |
63 | http://pdx.su/tags/self | self | |
64 | http://pdx.su/posts/1-what-s-wrong-with-gtalk | What’s wrong with GTalk | |
65 | http://pdx.su/tags/google-talk | google-talk | |
66 | http://pdx.su/tags/google | google | |
67 | http://pdx.su/tags/gmail | gmail | |
68 | http://pdx.su/tags/gtalk | gtalk | |
69 | http://pdx.su/tags/android | android | |
70 | http://pdx.su/ | Paradox Designs | |
71 | http://pdx.su/ | Blog | |