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TITLEResearch and development laboratory «GAS DYNAMICS OF TURBOMACHINES»1767
H1Research and development laboratory <...> «GAS DYNAMICS OF TURBOMACHINES» SPbTU
Lines of activity of the laboratory
Our researches and scientits
H2 - H6<h2>One of the world leaders in developing methods for mathematical modeling of the working process of centrifugal compressors. Employees of the laboratory developed new methods for designing centrifugal and axial compressors. On the job, you can create specialized versions of methods that take into account the relevant specifics.<...><...> The laboratory carries out the training of scientific personnel in postgraduate / doctoral studies at the Polytechnic University, specializing in Vacuum and Compressor Engineering. The scope of the works covers all types of compressors and related problems. The graduates of compressor and turbomachine specialties, specialists in the field of aerodynamics and thermodynamics, computer facilities are invited to the training.</h2>
<h2><...> <...>Research of gas-dynamic processes;<...> <...>Development of methods for gas-dynamic design;<...> <...>Implementation of gas-dynamic design methods in software complexes for optimal design of flow parts and calculation of gas-dynamic characteristics;<...> <...>Exploratory research of perspective power machines for consumer companies and power machine manufacturers;<...> <...>Gas dynamic design for companies producing power machines;<...> <...>Training of scientific personnel through postgraduate and doctoral studies;<...> <...>Scientific and organizational work through the Association of Compressors and Pneumatics.<...> <...></h2>
<h2>Head of laboratory: <...> Dr. Sc., prof. Y.B. Galerkin.<...><...> In the laboratory:<...> Dr. Sc., prof. B.S. Chrustalev,<...> Dr. Sc., prof. L.N. Rozanov,<...> Ph.D. A.F. Rextin,<...> Ph.D., as.prof. K.V. Soldatova,<...> Ph.D., master A.A. Drozdov,<...> Master M.A. Marenina.<...> Master O.A. Solovieva.</h2>
3189min - 304
max - 764
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Слова отсутствующие в русском и английском словарях

ГдеКол-воСписок слов
H12SPbTU scientits
H2 - H612turbomachine Pneumatics Galerkin Chrustalev Rozanov Ph.D Rextin as.prof Soldatova Drozdov Marenina Solovieva
Анкоры гиперссылок
Текст страницы4Saint-Petersburg str galerkin yuri_galerkin