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1 | http://molpit.org | Профессиональный союз МОЛПИТ | |
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12 | https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Ivan_Denisov | ResearchGate | |
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15 | http://ksc.krasn.ru/ | Красноярском научном центре | |
16 | http://elib.sfu-kras.ru/handle/2311/10135 | Nanodiamond Collective Electron States and their Localization | |
17 | http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.snb.2016.11.071 | Luciferase-based bioassay for rapid pollutants detection and classification by means of multilayer artificial neural networks | |
18 | https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/abs/10.1002/bio.3508 | Disposable luciferase-based microfluidic chip for rapid assay of water pollution | |
19 | http://silvertur.ru | обучает | |
20 | http://www.mdfschool.ru | Школы Родченко | |
21 | http://molpit.org | http://molpit.org | |
22 | http://bio.sfu-kras.ru | http://bio.sfu-kras.ru | |
23 | http://biotech.sfu-kras.ru | http://biotech.sfu-kras.ru | |
24 | http://biolum.sfu-kras.ru | http://biolum.sfu-kras.ru | |
25 | http://silvertur.ru | http://silvertur.ru | |
26 | https://mizenin.ru | https://mizenin.ru | |
27 | https://altaydar24.ru/ | https://altaydar24.ru | |
28 | https://ergakitur.ru | https://ergakitur.ru | |
29 | http://tube.sfu-kras.ru/video/449 | Дни магистратуры | |
30 | http://youtube.com/c/IvanDenisovBlog | YouTube | |
31 | https://oberon.org | Оберон-инструментов | |