H2 - H6 | <h2>Black Sea Ferry Services</h2> <h3>From framer to consumer without losses</h3> <h4>Black Sea Ferry Service is key element of port and logistic infrastructure in trading relations between Turkey and Russia.</h4> <h4>Modern infrastructure as part of goods’ supply by road ferries via RO-PAX CARGO class based on regular schedule only allows:</h4> <h4>RO-PAX CARGO multimodal transportation provides following opportunity:</h4> <h4>Centrosoyuz of the Russian Federation and NCUT’s support, effective interaction with the state authorities of our countries simplifies business processes, reduces administrative pressure on trade relations’ participants and opens wide opportunities for cooperation between Turkish and Russian companies</h4> <h5>Key feature:</h5> <h5>Our solution allows you:</h5> <h5>Suppliers-Customers:</h5> <h5>Logistic companies:</h5>
| 10 | 92 | min - 12 max - 19 |